
Transport service
or your own transport

At De Jager Detachering, you can make use of our transport while working in the Netherlands. We have cars, vans and bicycles that you can use to move around and easily commute to your place of work.


We understand that finding suitable transport is an important aspect of working in a new place. We are happy to take care of this for you, so that you can focus on your work and travel comfortably between your accommodation and workplace.

Transport service or your own transport

Our transport service includes picking you up from your accommodation and taking you to your workplace and vice versa. Travel time is usually between 15 and 50 minutes. In some cases, you may have the option of travelling there yourself if the distance between your accommodation and workplace is short. This will be at your own expense. In addition, we also offer you the option of driving a car or van, if you are eligible.


There are plenty of opportunities available in various sectors in the region, such as in agriculture and horticulture, fruit farming, fruit and vegetable processing, fish processing, the metal industry and recycling. Jobs include sorting, packing, cleaning and harvesting.





Employment conditions

Travelling to the Netherlands

About us