Employment conditions

A good safe job
with De Jager Detachering

De Jager Detachering offers you good employment conditions in accordance with the client’s collective labour agreement. Your employment contract is based on the collective labour agreement of the ABU (Federation of Private Employment Agencies). This means you can be assured of good employment conditions.

Employment conditions

At De Jager Detachering, we consider it important that our employees can count on good employment conditions. We therefore operate in accordance with the client’s collective labour agreement and your employment contract is based on the collective labour agreement of the ABU (Federation of Private Employment Agencies). This means that you can count on receiving a fair wage, holiday leave and holiday pay. You will also build up a pension with us.

Employment contract based on the ABU collective labour agreement

For us, good employment conditions mean more than simply complying with the collective labour agreement. We believe it is important for our employees to feel supported and appreciated. That is why we provide you with free work clothing and work shoes and also provide good working conditions.

In short, at De Jager Detachering you can count on good employment conditions and the right support to further develop your career.


There are plenty of opportunities available in various sectors in the region, such as in agriculture and horticulture, fruit farming, fruit and vegetable processing, fish processing, the metal industry and recycling. Jobs include sorting, packing, cleaning and harvesting.





Employment conditions

Travelling to the Netherlands

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